
We are a small-scale, multi-species, family-owned, pastured livestock farm using sustainable practices. Currently specializing in dairy goats, eggs, pastured poultry, and Dexter beef cattle.

Production Practices:

Rotational grazing;
Antiobiotic free;
Pastured poultry;
Perennial, varied grasses

Type of Farm Products Sold:

Dairy, Eggs, Poultry, Beef

Number of Acres in Animal Production:


Grazing, Pasture and Nutrient Management Practices:

We use intensively managed, rotational grazing where cows are moved daily. Chickens are also rotationally grazed. We use the Salatin method of frequent rotation as a way to manage grass growth, while recycling and distributing nutrients through animal manures. We avoid over-grazing. 

We use diatomaceous earth for pest control and chickens are used for insect management.

Environmental Conservation:

Not yet, coming soon.



Farm Visits:

By appointment only

Where Products Are Available:

OPN Product Guide: Mid-Willamette Valley
Privately, through Craigslist, word of mouth, and social media.

More Info and Contact Information:

Saunders Sustainable Farm Facebook Page